We call this part of Florida the part that time forgot and we LOVE it just for that reason. A1A is a pre-interstate coastal highway that runs parallel and next to the Atlantic ocean. It is reassuring to see icecream sherbert colored motels in sleepy beach towns that so fondly remind us of the long car trips we took to Florida as children. Add in a 72 mile highway yard sale and we could not resist!

when Donald Duck sits on a restaurant's mailbox.
Who knew there was a town actually called Marineland, Florida.
How cool is this dolphin cement fencing?

Off to an early start we followed A1A up to Ponta Vedra. Along the way we enjoyed seeing grapefruit trees growing in lots of yards.

The fish painting is an addition to Jeri's $1.00 or less original art gallery,

These fabulous Shiny Brites came out of the box of Christmas ornaments we bought!
This is the toy refrigerator Jeri bought last summer on the Peachtree Sale. Check out the fruit we found in Florida and the teeny tiny Coke can!